Sculpture project-Natural forms in conversation

This work consists of 12 objects cast from natural forms (2 sizes of lotus seed heads and a small nautilus shell). Originally conceived as a work based on Ai Wei Wei’s Circle of Friends/Zodiac Heads (showing the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac calendar), it evolved into a conversation between 3 sets of natural forms once the similarity of a lotus seed head to a hearing trumpet was noticed. The large lotus seed heads are exuberant and loud, the medium sized seed heads are chattering softly, and the downcast nautilus shells are silent. Together the objects form a conversation.

These objects (natural forms and bases) are made from plaster. The lotus seed heads and nautilus shells are cast from silicon molds, made from the original objects. The objects have been painted with a sepia acrylic and varnished with a wood varnish.









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