
Found object based works

A recent project involved using a found object as the basis for a work or series of works. I selected a disposable plastic tea spoon from a domestic flight. Interestingly, the NGV features an ivory spoon of a similar shape in its Egyptian collection. Below are images of the Egyptian spoon (photos and a drawing), the sculpture I made from the contemporary spoon/s (inspired by Joseph Cornell and his shadow boxes) and three sets of monotypes (original and ghost print) based on the sculpture and other found objects.

Train drawings Sandringham line – April, May and June

Below are a selection of drawings from daily travel on the Sandringham line. Drawing every morning is something I look forward to. Not sure about my subjects!


The amazing Francis Upritchard @ APT8 and @MUMA

I first saw Francis Upritchard’s work at APT8 in Brisbane late last year, when I was intrigued (and possibly slightly repelled) by her fleshy, elongated figures, reminiscent of a bizarre ‘Punch’ from a Punch and Judy show, with a hint of Giacometti. I saw her exhibition at MUMA last week and was enthralled with the whimsy and playful nature of the works, albeit some with a slight edge. The exhibition consists of mainly of sculpture and painting. Objects are liberated from their original purpose (from spectacle cases to hockey sticks) to become occupants in her other universe. Here are some photos and drawings of the APT8 and also the MUMA works.


Life drawing and still life

At a recent class we had a still life set up to draw. In a novel twist we all started with one brief sketch, and then rotated, adding to each others work (see the communal sketch below). Additionally, we each then drew a fellow students – regular fashion, with eyes closed (hard with oddly enough an invisible result), and also using the opposite hand. The activities reminded me how much I enjoy life drawing. I may try left handed sketching of fellow train passengers.

12 heads of the Chinese Zodiac@NGV

Here are the final set of Zodiac Head drawings, from the set of heads in the Ai Wei Wei/Andy Warhol exhibition at NGV. These have taken many intense hours of drawing between December 2015 and February 2016. This was a great challenge to set myself.

Zodiac head ‘do over’ – rabbit and snake

I have redrawn the snake and rabbit heads from the Ai Wei Wei Zodiac Head series, to apply the same loose technique as to more recent drawings of the other zodiac heads. I am pleased with the results, shown below.


February 2016 on the Sandringham line

I set myself the challenge of only drawing female passengers in February, having realised that I normally draw male passengers. With the exception of one striking looking fellow, I stuck to this objective.